Abraham Lincoln once said “Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can.” However, when neighbors refuse to compromise, the Pickrel, Schaeffer and Ebeling Litigation team is experienced and prepared to vigorously and zealously pursue and protect our client’s rights. The PSE Commercial Business Litigation team represents businesses, large and small, municipalities, trade organizations and individuals in an extensive collection of litigation matters including:
- Construction
- Real estate
- Anti-trust
- Covenants not to compete
- Confidentiality agreements
- Trade secrets
- Intentional torts
- Product liability
- Officers’ and Directors’ liability
- Securities
- Mold litigation
- Insurance defense and coverage claims
Our Business Litigation attorneys routinely appear in State and Federal Courts throughout Ohio and Kentucky. When clients become embroiled in litigation, the PSE Commercial Business Litigation team provides skilled, dedicated, vigorous and cost-effective representation.
At PSE we will work to understand your issue and help you achieve your goals. Even though you will work with a specific Litigation attorney, we work together as a team giving you the combined strength and knowledge of over twenty attorneys. In addition, we have a Business Law team that will assist you with business creation and organization through to business succession planning.