Estate Planning, Trust, and Probate Law

The Estate Planning, Trust & Probate team at Pickrel, Schaeffer & Ebeling works with clients of all ages and incomes to develop a customized plan that meets your needs. We will take the time to understand your goals and create a customized plan to achieve them. We work efficiently with family and/or friends to organize financial information and determine how the assets should flow according to the law. After a death, clients welcome not only the legal expertise but the reassurance, information, and guidance that our attorneys and support staff provide during this emotional and sometimes confusing time period.

We can develop asset protection strategies and how to pay for long-term care expenses, including using Medicare, Medicaid, and Veteran’s benefits. With families facing disability, we can create Trusts to help preserve family assets from exorbitant medical bills, while allowing the family assets to remain available for the benefit of the disabled person.

We are educated in federal Gift and Estate Tax laws and Ohio Estate Tax laws, and use that information in the planning and administration of estates and trusts after death. We prepare and file Federal and Ohio Estate tax returns and Federal Gift tax returns for clients when needed. We can also prepare estate or trust income tax returns if the client desires. The tax laws keep changing so we keep informed of the most recent developments in tax laws in this area to minimize our client’s tax liability. 

Our team only focuses on Estate Planning, Trust, and Probate law. Still, it has the combined strength of over 20 additional attorneys that focus on many other areas of law, giving you the combined strength of the entire team.  We look forward to working with you and your family.

John Clough Tells Us the Importance of Estate Planning on Good Day Dayton

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