We wanted to reach out to our clients and friends to let you know that we are staying on top of the fluid situation pertaining to the Coronavirus. Pickrel, Schaeffer and Ebeling will stay open, however; if you have a scheduled appointment with an attorney or would like to schedule an appointment, we are recommending the meeting occur over the phone or via video chat. It is highly recommended that you call in advance of coming to the office, as firm personnel’s schedules may be modified to accommodate a myriad of situations that are impacting everyone’s lives. If you need to come into the office, please be assured that we will disinfect the area before and after your meeting; and the firm and its employees are following the recommendation of the Center for Disease Control and other health organizations in maintaining a safe and sanitary work environment. In that same light, we ask that if you are ill, have been around someone who is ill, recently traveled to an area impacted by COVID-19, that you refrain from coming to the office.
As all businesses are impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic, we are here if you need sound business and legal advice. PS&E has a team of attorneys who are keeping up to date on the emerging issues and are providing practical advice to our clients. This team consists of members of each of our practice groups, and is advising clients regarding the myriad of employment, supply chain, contractual, data, health care, insurance, SBA lending and other business implications. As of this morning, here is the latest SBA guidance that has been obtained on businesses interested in applying for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan from SBA. In addition, please continue to check the disaster loan website as it is frequently updated at www.SBA.gov.
As always, if you have any questions, please call us at 937-223-1130 or reach out to one of our attorneys.