Understanding the Importance of Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Understanding the Importance of Uninsured Motorist Coverage

There are two primary types of automobile insurance coverages that you can purchase. The first is liability coverage, which covers you for injuries you cause, and the second is uninsured/underinsured coverage, which covers you if you are injured by an uninsured or underinsured motorist. Ohio law requires that you have Liability coverage, but uninsured/underinsured coverage is optional. Why is that vitally important to you? If you were to purchase an insurance policy and waive your right to uninsured motorist coverage, you would be exposed to the possibility of being unable to recover any money if an uninsured motorist does you harm.

Imagine this nightmare scenario: You are a young professional passionate about riding motorcycles. You’ve worked your whole life to earn your engineer’s degree and finally landed your dream job as an electrical engineer in the community you love. You awake to the first beautiful spring day of the season. Temperatures are in the low 70s, and there is no humidity, so it’s a perfect day to take your new motorcycle out for a ride. As you come around a corner, an uninsured motorist pulls out directly into your path, causing a collision and life-altering personal injuries. You’re hospitalized for six months and are unable to work. Your medical bills are more than $500,000, and you’ve endured half a dozen surgical procedures, which ultimately failed, leading to the loss of your leg. The at-fault party had no insurance. What are your options?

If the injured party in this example had paid for uninsured motorist coverage in his own insurance policy, he would be able to make a claim against his carrier to compensate him for his injuries. Had he not purchased uninsured motorist coverage, he would have nothing to compensate him for the injuries he sustained because he was injured by an uninsured driver.

You must protect yourself if you are an Ohio consumer purchasing insurance. The risks of not having uninsured motorist coverage outweigh any cost savings you might have by waiving your right to that coverage. Consult an insurance agent or legal counsel about the best insurance coverage for you. Don’t place yourself in a situation where you are hurt through no fault of your own and find yourself unable to recover any money to compensate you for your injuries.

If you have questions about Ohio uninsured motorist coverage or your rights concerning obtaining insurance, don’t hesitate to contact the Attorneys in the Litigation Department of Pickrel, Schaeffer & Ebeling, or email the author at mbly@pselaw.com.