Protect Your Brand With A Registered Trademark

In today’s ever-growing world of e-commerce, having a distinct and nationally protected name associated with your E accounts is a must. Once an e-account becomes profitable, unscrupulous people build on that profitability by creating look-alike sites and stealing your businesses. Negative reviews of these “look-alike” businesses can be misinterpreted as negative reviews of your company.…

PSE honors Attorney Moses J. Jones

As Black History Month concludes, PSE honors Attorney Moses J. Jones, the first African-American attorney to practice in Dayton. He was admitted to practice law in 1898. Recognizable by his vested suit and gold chain, Mr. Jones was an inspiration and model for the legal community. He was regarded as Dayton’s foremost African American criminal…

PSE at DACC Breakfast Briefing

PSE is a proud sponsor of the Dayton Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Briefings. Today Kristina Curry, PSE attorney, delivered welcome remarks for guest speaker Kent Dimbath, CFO of Dorothy Lane Market. We were also proud to host DLM’s Director of Human Resources, Maureen Sammon.

2023 District High School Mock Trial Competition

Pickrel, Schaeffer & Ebeling attorneys Matt Hauer, Brooke Schleben and Kristina Curry, reports, “PSE has a long history of supporting the OCLRE High School Mock Trial Competition. This year’s event provided yet another opportunity to be impressed by the extraordinary preparedness and commitment of these trial teams and their advisors. We also appreciate the opportunity…

Shared Parenting

During a marriage, the family has a daily routine in which the household operates. But the situation gets complicated when two households and two parents operate separately and differently in the event of a termination of the relationship or marriage. The designation of the “custodial parent” or “residential parent” can be one of the most…