August is National “Make a Will” Month

August is National “Make a Will” Month, and it’s a great annual reminder to update your will or create one if needed. A will is an important estate-planning document that can help you easily transfer your assets. It can be the difference between a smooth transfer of assets or a probate nightmare. If you have…

PSE & The Dayton Performing Arts Alliance Breakfast

PSE & The Dayton Performing Arts Alliance (DPAA) hosted a corporate breakfast this morning discussing the importance of supporting the arts. We are honored to support this fantastic organization. PSE Shareholder, Katie Wahl, is a board member and also delivered opening remarks. To learn more about DPAA, visit their Facebook page: @Dayton Performing Arts Alliance.

IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution

Individuals must take annual required minimum distributions (RMDs) out of their IRAs when they reach age 73 or older (this starting age will increase to 75 in future years). For some taxpayers, the RMDs will push them into a higher tax bracket and cause them to be taxed at a higher rate. However, individuals aged…

When Filing Taxes – Time Zone Matters

Don’t wait till the last minute. Minutes matter. The United States Tax Court recently ruled1 that electronically filed documents are considered filed when received. That timeliness is determined by reference to the eastern time zone in the District of Columbia where the Court is located, not the taxpayers’ location/local time zone. As a result, a…